2nd biennial conference of the International Network for the Study of Lyric:

“The Between-ness of Lyric”

University of Lausanne, June 4-7, 2019.

At the inaugural conference of the INSL, in Boston 2017, we began to situate the lyric in its broad contours, its generic outlines, characteristic strategies and ways of knowing; we debated its historical and cultural components; and we identified possible frontiers and border transgressions. The second INSL conference aims to build on this groundwork, while pursuing further the notion of lyric operating between and across languages. We are also interested in the tensions that arise between historical approaches and transhistorical conceptions, between the analysis of printed books and works of transmediation, between ‘close-reading’ and ‘distant reading’, as well as between regional and national concepts of lyric, on the one hand, and global, transnational and comparative perspectives, on the other.
We will not attempt to resolve the divisions and tensions that exist between fundamentally
different approaches to lyric (e.g. theoretical, historical, creative) or different kinds of poetry (e.g. popular and literary, oral, printed, and multimedia forms) but we would like to explore how these tensions might generate new and dynamic, nuanced approaches. Among the many questions this aim invites:
Should we, in any measure, adopt narratological models or should this be resisted? Should we consider the lyric in opposition to, in complementarity with, or indivisible from other discourses?
Are there alternative models that could be evolved based on international and multilingual factors?
In what ways might the prefixes ‘inter-‘ or ‘trans-’ (as in transgenre, transmedial, transhistorical, intertextual) help generate new ways of understanding the lyric?
And how can quantitative analysis, as favoured in Digital Humanities approaches, contribute new understanding, alongside existing qualitative analytical traditions?

1st biennial conference of the International Network for the Study of Lyric:

“Situating Lyric”

Boston University, June 7–11, 2017.

The theory of lyric poetry is at a breakthrough moment: after a period of relative neglect, multiple new models and approaches have been put forth in recent years. Some emphasize basic features and constituents of lyric, others its functions, still others the shifting purposes of the label over time. There is increased interest in the relationship among lyric, poetry more generally, and other literary modalities and genres. At the same time, these new theoretical interventions are not consistently in conversation with each other, especially across national or linguistic lines. It is time to bring together scholars who are working toward a new understanding of the theoretical situation of lyric and poetry. Boston University with its rich traditions of literary study is an ideal place to ask this question with respect to the situation of both “lyric” and “poetry” in literary history, in world literature, and in other arenas of language use and art.

“Assises de la poésie”

University of Lausanne, 7-9 March 2018

The University of Lausanne and the HEP – Vaud are offering a three-day programme with specialists and major actors in the world of poetry on how to transmit this genre. What if, instead of systematically dealing with texts or authors, leaving aside the intermediaries, we put “transmission” at the centre of attention, with all the actors of poetry.

Lectures, presentations, workshops, panels, round tables, poetry event, general plan for poetry.

Often centred on the author or the text, comments on poetry forget the various actors involved in “transmission”. The almost magical act that would lead the poems from the author’s hands to those of the reader constitutes a particularly tenacious romantic imagination. The “intermediaries”, often “employees” of poetry, be they publishers, translators, critics, booksellers, mediators, teachers or researchers, create contact with this genre. How can these intermediaries be integrated into a material culture or into networks? How do they enable us to break out of the imaginary of silent communion with the book? In what way are these “intermediaries”, made less visible, a centre for reflection on poetry? How do they show an articulation of the regional and the global?

Full Program

Summaries of the lectures

The recorded conferences

“Arbeitstreffen 1 des DFG-Netzwerks “Lyrikologie. Konturen eines Arbeitsfeldes” (Wuppertal): Typisch lyrisch?” / Working Meeting 1 of the DFG network “Lyrikologie. Contours of a Research Field” (Wuppertal): Typically lyrical?

24/25 November 2016


Guests: Dr. Sophia Wege (Germanistik, Halle-Wittenberg), Prof. Dr. Alexander Ziem (Linguistik, Düsseldorf)

This workshop explores the question of whether and to what extent it is possible to name the specific characteristics of lyrical structures that can form the basis of an independent field of research, ‘lyricology’. Based on proposals from recent lyric poetry theory, this workshop will examine in particular prototypical semantic and anthropologically founded approaches with regard to their potential for a systematically oriented genre theory of poetry. This workshop thus provides a basic lyricological foundation and serves to form the theoretical foundation for the next network activities. From the perspective of cognitive linguistics and literary studies, the two guests will comment constructively and critically on questions of genre theory with reference to a definition of poetry. Program: http://www.glw.uni-jena.de/iglmedia/Netzwerk/Programm_Netzwerktreffen1_Typischlyrisch_.pdf


“Wer spricht das Gedicht?” / “Who Speaks in the Poem?”

at 21st  World congress of the International Comparative Literature Association

by Dr. Claudia Hillebrandt, Dr. Sonja Klimek and Prof. Dr. Eva Zettelmann

Wednesday, July 27th, at 9.00-10.30

Wednesday, July 27th 17254 – Wer spricht im Gedicht?

Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 1

Chair: Klimek, Sonja

9:00 AM – The Voice in the Poem: Triggering Specificity, Performing Embodiedness Zettelmann, Eva (Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Wien, Austria)

9:15 AM – Figur und Person in lyrischen Gebilden Hillebrandt, Claudia (Universität Jena, Jena, Germany)

9:30 AM – Der Publikationskontext in der Lyrikrezeption Syrovy, Daniel (Institut für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, Wien, Austria)

9:45 AM – Poetin und Gegenstand der Poesie: Die Stimme der Margaretha Susanna von Kuntsch (1651-1717) Pailer, Gaby (University of British Columbia, Vancouver B.C., Canada)

10:00 AM – Autorschaft und Peritext – Werkpolitische Lenkung der Sprechinstanzen von Ich-Gedichten Klimek, Sonja (Universität Freiburg/CH, Freiburg, Switzerland)

Workshop “Wer spricht im Gedicht?”
(“Who Speaks in the Poem?”)

on issues of voice, persona, identity and writing in lyric poetry. Held in Fribourg/Switzerland on October 15–17, 2015. (Programme)
