Poésie. Expérience. Attention.

4e conférence bisannuelle d’INSL. Oslo, 6-8 juin 2023.

«Faire l’expérience du poème en tant que poème […] ne signifie pas seulement traiter le poème comme un fait de sens, mais aussi comme un fait de langage qui a lieu au sein même du langage, le mot de langage devant être compris dans la double acception de médium matériel et moyen d’expression », écrit Derek Attridge dans The Experience of Poetry (2019, p. 2). La citation donne diversement à réfléchir. Elle pose la question de la définition de la poésie et de ses modalités de fonctionnement, tout en établissant un lien entre l’ontologie, la phénoménologie et l’épistémologie de la poésie, d’une part, et les questions de matérialité et de médium, d’autre part. En nous penchant sur les manières dont la poésie se produit comme événement de langage, nous pouvons aussi nous demander quelle forme d’attention se construit dans et à travers l’expérience poétique. Comme Lucy Alford le montre dans son dernier livre, Forms of Poetic Attention (2020), l’attention est en même temps le sujet et l’objet de la poésie. La poésie est une manière de trouver le bon accord, et l’expérience poétique une forme particulière d’accord avec l’attention à la matérialité du langage, mais aussi au monde et à la formation de cette attention.

Quel rapport y a-t-il entre poésie et expérience ? Quelle est la forme spécifique de l’expérience poétique vécue à travers différents médias ? Comment penser le lien entre versification et attention ? Et comment l’étude de l’expérience et de l’attention peut-elle jeter une nouvelle lumière, synchronique aussi bien que diachronique, sur la poésie et ses différents genres et médias ?

The International Network of the Study of Lyric (INSL) and the Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies, University of Oslo, invite scholars, poets, critics and translators to submit abstracts for papers and suggest panels and roundtables relevant to the overall issue of the conference Poetry. Experience. Attention. INSL, which by now has more than 350 members, established a series of biannual conferences in 2015 to bring together researchers, poets, critics, translators and doctoral students from all continents to discuss and develop research on the lyric and on poetry worldwide. Previous conferences have been held in Boston (2017), Lausanne (2019), and on Zoom (hosted by Leuven in 2021). The fourth conference in the series will take place in Oslo, 6 – 8 June 2023, with Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies, University of Oslo, as host. INSL also organizes symposia on Zoom, including one on translation in spring 2022, with another on the same subject scheduled for fall 2022.

Keynote speakers:
Derek Attridge, University of York
Lucy Alford, Wake Forest University
Mikael Meuller Males, University of Oslo
Magali Nachtergael, Bordeaux Montaigne University
Susan Kiguli, Makerere University

We invite paper and session proposals that address questions relevant to the wide range of issues suggested in this CFP and that approach those issues from a wide range of perspectives, areas and historical periods, in print poetry, visual poetry, sound poetry, film poetry, sung poetry, or digital poetry. Although lyric is the primary focus of the INSL, our focus for this conference is broad, and papers on epic, lyric and dramatic poetries as well as on poetry from all historical periods are welcome. Likewise, we welcome papers that discuss the question of materiality and media; media understood in a broad sense ranging from books, vellums, parchment scrolls, stones, computers, buildings, and human and non-human bodies and voices, and poetry in or in relation to basic media (or art forms) such as film, photography, paintings, sculptures, performance, media arts, music, and song.

Send an abstract of 300-500 words (including your affiliation) by December 15, 2022 to (insl-oslo2023@uio.no). Presentations will be mainly in English. However, suggestions for panels in other languages are most welcome. Proposals for a group of 3–4 papers forming a panel are also welcome. In general, papers should be 20 minutes in length, each followed by 10 minutes for discussion; in a panel with 4 participants, 15 minutes per paper is the strict maximum.

Conference fee:

Early registration (before Feb 1, 2023): 60 EUR
Late registration (after Feb 1, 2023): 120 EUR
PhD students: free

No registration later than May 1, 2023. Please make sure to pay your registration fee before the deadline for the selected registration type. If your payment is not received before the deadline, the later fee will be automatically charged. An unpaid or only partially paid registration will not be considered as valid until it is fully paid.